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24 months Interest Free

Finance is only available on full priced items and exclude members price, sale price, and clearance prices.

Minimum spend $1000. Monthly payments required. T&Cs, fees & charges apply. Offer ends 31/12/2024. Available from Latitude on participating credit cards. (OR, Available on participating Latitude credit cards).

Terms of Interest Free

*Minimum spend applies. Monthly payments required. T&Cs, fees & charges apply. Exclusions apply. Available on participating Latitude credit cards.

Approved customers only. Monthly account service fee $10.95 (subject to change) applies. Monthly payments required (exact amounts specified in your statement). Paying only the minimum monthly payment will not pay out the purchase before the end of the plan. If there is an outstanding balance after the interest free period ends, interest will be charged currently at 29.99% p.a. (subject to change). Minimum spend applies to different plan term(s): minimum spend $1000 for 24 months. Interest may also apply to other credit card transactions or if you do not comply with the T&Cs. Conditions of use set out the T&Cs of the Latitude Gem Visa credit card. Credit is provided by Latitude Finance Australia ABN 42 008 583 588 Australian Credit License number 392145.
